Friday, September 7, 2007

Sneak peak (more progress is coming)

This drawing is still in progress, notation of materials need to be added. But I thought I post this progress anyway so you know that I'm following up you comments.


Linasolopoesie said...

BuonA day
They are from little in this blog. And I find myself in difficulty because you are all aliens. and I do not succeed to never read written yours. But and also to bellovisitare the blog for a salute and to only exchange the auguries to us in the festivity….You want to come to visit mine blog? and only poetries because I have the poetico mind… I waited for to You? Thanks… Lina

werner said...

Felix, I hope you can add the latest plan to explain the areas of different materials. Please spend less time with photoshop; it tends to make it a cartoon rather than giving us an understanding of what kind of materials you are thinking of.