Monday, September 24, 2007

Building Elevation Revision

Thanks for the input, here's the modification for the new Daylight penetration from clerestory windows, based on the formula: distance of 2.5H from the opening, where H is the opening’s height above the floor. The light will not penetrate all the way into the building, but it is enough to penetrate the circulation areas on the second floor.
For the first floor, I was thinking to put like a light shelves where the natural lights could bouncing off inside the classroom area..
At this point, this is what I could think off.. feel free for suggestions or ideas

old elevation based on the roof plan..(yellow line to indicate how deep the natural light could penetrate)

1 comment:

werner said...

Felix, I appreciate your attempt to make the situation better. Please take a look at the class room blog. Your clerestory window is providing light deep into the building where you don't need it (hallway). The common area will be well lit, but th eclass rooms will be dark.