Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Continue Assignment 1

I just realize the exercise that we are doing, is similar with the Country House project by Mies Van der Rohe.

To have the blue wall (cross wall) intersect the horizontal wall to have one continuous structure but also the wall to hint what is the different between inside zone and what is the outside zone.

The reason that I have this wall protruding beyond the horizontal wall to suggest another zone boundary without having complete walls to define outside zone.


Thomas said...

Good job with the transition- man it is so snap! I like the way you have provided the transition and highlighted the presentation with explanations.

rbutera said...

Felix... good model with very nice spacial descriptions and diagrams. Explains things very well. Just a question before Werner gets to it... I don't see the original fixed geometry in your solution. Am I just not seeing it? I like the approach of point, line, and plane to define your zones.

F.R. said...

Thanks Rick, and Tom.

Rick, I wish I can tell you that, but it's a secret for now! lol!

Well, to be honest with you, this is my first attempt using sketch-up, so I'm still technically adjusting to the program.
So,more progress is coming to demonstrate the fixed geometry in conjuntion of my new design.

werner said...

felix, will we see some more progress? If not please format your scheme on the product sheet. Don't forget the narrative.